How to Store Pallets Properly To Maximize Their Life

In the pallet industry the term ‘life cycle’ refers to the total amount of time a pallet will last. This could be as little as 6 months if the pallets are not stored properly, or in excess of 12 years if they are handled and stored correctly. As a pallet can cost anything from $8 to $30 per piece, it makes sound economic sense to ensure the pallets last as long as possible.

6 months is generally considered to be the minimum recommended life cycle for outside storage conditions (assuming no treatment). This should include inside storage for part of the year. If you store your pallets or containers outside, make sure they are protected from the elements at all times, stored on hard ground (paving slabs/tarmac), and covered with a tarpaulin or similar when not in use.

Store Pallets on Their Side

Always try to Store pallets on their side, stacked in rows of three or four. This will help to prevent warping and splitting. Make sure the pallets are dry at all times, and that they don’t have any wet or damp patches, as this can encourage wood decay.

Why rows of three or four? We’ve found it’s easier to handle and move two stacks wood or plastic pallets as opposed to one long single stack. If you keep pallets upright, you may find that collisions occur as people walk past the stack. The reason we recommend rows of three or four is simply because it’s much easier to move a stack of 3 x 4 pallets than a single tall one.

Save Them from the Seasons

If you need to store your pallets outside over winter, we would suggest treating them first by impregnating them. You should then store them inside during the warmer months and then bring them back outside over winter. The seasons are the biggest killer of pallets, and to minimize this effect you should also consider hosing down your pallets or sealing them with a moisture barrier spray. Treated pallets are also great for the environment.

Treat Your Pallets!

One of the easiest ways to help extend the life cycle of your wood pallets is by treating them.  We recommend impregnating (pressure-treating) your pallets with a non-toxic wood preservative. This will help to prevent fungal attacks and prolong the life of your investment.

If you would prefer not to use pressure treatment, then any quality wood preservative should be adequate for most applications. However, please bear in mind that you will need to apply a new coat of wood preservative at least once per year.

Use Your Pallets Wisely & They Will Last!

Once you have your pallets, it’s important that you use them wisely. This means using them in the correct manner for their intended purpose. Pallets are designed to be used by machines and so they do not react well when subjected to abusive handling techniques by manpower alone. They can also be recycled and used to make furniture.

We recommend treating all pallets before use and then always stack them in dry conditions. You should lift from underneath when stacking and avoid dragging the pallets across surfaces as this can cause damage to the wood.


If you’re searching for resilient and enduring wooden pallet manufacturers in East Tennessee, you’ve come to the right place. We have accumulated 40 years of successful experience and customer satisfaction, and we provide you with top-notch services and wood products. Unaka Forest Products has an exceptional product range that caters to your unique requirements and preferences, whether wooden pallets, precut lumber, biofuel chips, or landscape mulch. We also sell organic wooden mulch, precut lumber, and biofuel. Contact us today for the best quality wooden pallets.

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digitalengagehelp August 28, 2021 0 Comments

How to Choose the Right Pallet for Your Cargo?

When you are shipping any kind of cargo, from small to large objects, it is important that you choose the right pallet. There are many varieties of pallets available in the market today and each one has its own purpose. This article will help you understand some of the different kinds of pallets and things to consider before choosing a particular type. Keep reading this blog to find out benefits of using simple and combo wood pallets.

Pallets have been around for hundreds of years and they are one of the most important components in any kind of shipping industry, big or small. But what makes these pallets so special and popular? Its versatility, strength, ease to manufacture and low cost wooden pallets are a vital factor. Pallets are extremely versatile as they can be used to carry a variety of cargoes, making shipping economical. There is no need to acquire a new pallet each time you have to ship different kinds of cargo as they can be used to carry all types of products.

Different Shapes of the Pallets

Pallets come in different sizes and shape like standard pallets which are 48 inches by 40 inches or 58 by 48 inches. These are the most commonly used pallets and they can be found in almost any warehouse, shipping yard, or retail store. There are also platform-type carriages that can be placed on top of trucks for hauling goods over long distances.

Pallets come with steel frames to make them more stable and strong. Wood is the main material used to make pallets and some manufacturers use steel trusses to provide strength to the pallet. The wood used is usually made from pine, fir, or redwood as these woods are easily available in almost all parts of the world

Different Types of Pallets

Pallets can be divided into two types: first-use and returnable. First-use pallets cannot be recycled  the pallets are often used for single use only.These are not safe to re-use since they can be contaminated by diseases or chemicals that may have been on them when shipped the first time. The different colours on wooden pallets determine its kind.

Returnable pallets, however, can be recycled and reused over and over again. They are specially designed with locking systems that keep them stable during transit. This type of pallet is almost always made from wood and they are more expensive than the first-use variety.

Safety Considerations When Using a Wooden Pallet

Since a lot of pallets have nails sticking out, it is advisable that you wear protective shoes when walking around them to avoid injuries caused by puncture wounds. You can also use pallet mats for easy maneuvering. Choosing the right pallet company will save you from this hassle.

You should also be careful of using damaged or broken pallets as they may become hazardous to workers around them and other people who may come in contact with this kind of cargo. Unaka takes good care of their pallet production making the highest quality pallets.


It all depends on your cargo when choosing a particular pallet. Before shipping cargo with wooden pallets, it is advisable that you check whether there are any harmful chemicals or microorganisms in your products that can harm the pallet when shipped together.

If you’re searching for resilient and enduring wooden pallet manufacturers in East Tennessee, you’ve come to the right place. We have accumulated 40 years of successful experience and customer satisfaction, and we provide you with top-notch services and wood products. Unaka Forest Products has an exceptional product range that caters to your unique requirements and preferences, whether wooden pallets, precut lumber, biofuel chips, or landscape mulch. We also sell organic wooden mulch, precut lumber, and biofuel. Contact us today for the best quality wooden pallets.

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digitalengagehelp August 22, 2021 0 Comments

How Do Wooden Pallets Compare With Plastic Ones?

In general, pallets make up more than half of the total cost of shipping goods. This is why they are one of the most highly competitive logistics services in the world. Since the 1970s, plastic pallets have been an increasingly common substitute for wooden ones mainly because wood serves as a breeding ground for mites and bacteria. Today’s dominant pallets are made of plastic to get rid of insects and bacteria.

However, many people still prefer wooden pallets because they are cheaper, more durable, and easier on the environment. So how do wooden pallets or containers compare with plastic ones? This article is going to tell you everything you need to know about wooden pallets vs. plastic ones.

Plastic Pallets Are More Expensive Than Wooden Ones

The price of plastic pallets is much higher than that of wooden ones. The reason behind this is that it takes more energy to manufacture the former ones. As a result, they are more expensive and require you to offer better rates in order to be competitive. That’s why they have become less popular over time as carriers look for other options that are not as costly.

Wooden pallets can be reused up to 10 times

Wooden pallets are much more durable and can be reused up to ten times. The life span of a plastic pallet is 24 months on average, whereas that of a wooden pallet is three to eight years. This discrepancy comes from the fact that wood is less likely to break down if treated correctly. As a rule of thumb,  you should replace wood pallets whenever you notice them being damaged or scorched.

Wooden Pallets Have a Lower Carbon Footprint than Plastic Ones

Wooden pallets have a lower carbon footprint than plastic ones. The main purpose behind using wooden pallets is that you have a variety of woods that can be choosed to make pallets. Since they’re reusable, they don’t produce any waste during the shipping process. Moreover, since there is less processing involved in making them, their manufacturing process has a smaller environmental impact as well.

Wood Is Stronger Than Plastic

Wood is stronger than plastic, and wooden pallets hold more weight compared to plastic ones. While a standard wooden pallet can hold up to 1,000 pounds, a plastic pallet can support only 500 pounds. The reason for this disparity is that wood has greater tensile strength than plastic. That’s why it doesn’t break easily as opposed to plastic.


If you’re searching for resilient and enduring wooden pallet manufacturers in East Tennessee, you’ve come to the right place. We have accumulated 40 years of successful experience and customer satisfaction, and we provide you with top-notch services and wood products. Unaka Forest Products has an exceptional product range that caters to your unique requirements and preferences, whether wooden pallets, precut lumber, biofuel chips, or landscape mulch. We also sell organic wooden mulch, precut lumber, and biofuel. Contact us today for the best quality wooden pallets.

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digitalengagehelp August 16, 2021 0 Comments

7 Tips for Keeping Your Wooden Pallets Safe

One of the top concerns for buyers of wooden pallets is always going to be safety. After all, customers are buying these products and shipping goods in them that will end up on store shelves or in people’s homes, so it is important they can trust their supplier to deliver safe pallets. If your business ships pallets often, here are five tips to help keep your wooden pallets safe.

Keep It Clean

While it may not always be possible or practical to disinfect a pallet, there are other things you can do to ensure cleanliness. For example, make sure employees wash their hands before they handle the pallets and make sure they know how important it is that they don’t have any open cavities or sores when they handle them. If you live in a humid climate, make sure pallets are kept somewhere dry and well ventilated so mold and mildew can’t grow on them. It also depends on what kind of wood was used for the pallets.

Inspect for Damage

When pallets or containers arrive at your business, inspect each one to be sure they’re in good condition. Look for things like missing or splintered slats, a broken top board, or nails that aren’t driven in straight. All of these could present safety problems.

Spending on a wooden pallet to make it more sustainable is a great idea that business should implement.

Spray With Disinfectant

Once you confirm a pallet is free from damage and clean, spray it with a disinfectant such as Lysol or Pine Sol. It’s a good idea to do this every time you handle the pallet.


Label your pallets, especially if they’re going to be stored for a long period of time; so even if the top board is damaged or missing, there will be no confusion as to what product was shipped in that particular pallet.

Mark IDs

When your pallets are loaded into crates to ship, print the company name and ID on both ends of the crate so if there’s ever an issue with a delivery or a shipment, you’ll know where the problem occurred. This makes it much easier when you’re trying to figure out what went wrong with a shipment.

You can never be too sure about the safety of your pallets, here are some other things that you should always keep in mind:

  • Don’t stack pallets on top of each other
  • Always…ALWAYS keep your pallets in a dry place – avoid storing them outside or near water sources
  • If you are going to store your pallets, use a tarp to protect them from the elements
  • If you’re using recycled wood for building projects, try to minimize how much glue and nails you use so that they can be reused later on
  • Make sure any metal fasteners are covered with a protective coating like paint or varnish before stacking the boards together


If you’re searching for resilient and enduring wooden pallet manufacturers in East Tennessee, you’ve come to the right place. We have accumulated 40 years of successful experience and customer satisfaction, and we provide you with top-notch services and wood products. Unaka Forest Products has an exceptional product range that caters to your unique requirements and preferences, whether wooden pallets, precut lumber, biofuel chips, or landscape mulch. We also sell organic wooden mulch, precut lumber, and biofuel. Contact us today for the best quality wooden pallets.

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digitalengagehelp August 10, 2021 0 Comments

5 Things You Never Knew About Wooden Pallets

You might be surprised at how many lives a wooden pallet can lead. From the factory to the warehouse, to the truck, and onto your store shelves, here are five things you never knew about a humble piece of wood that’s as inexpensive as it is eco-friendly.

Pallets Are Older Than You Think… By Quite A Few Years.

Originally made from oak, for centuries wood pallets were used to build ships. After decades of seeing service at sea, the wooden pallets would eventually make their way back to land and into use as industrial shipping containers. It wasn’t until 1906 that a Nevada-based company first patented the modern-day version of this cost-effective material.

This early design’s many iterations evolved into the pallets you see today, which are sturdy enough for use with almost any type of load.

“According to the National Wooden Pallet & Container Association, nearly $200 billion worth of products finds their way onto pallets each year.”

Wooden Pallets Aren’t Always Wooden

You probably didn’t know that not all pallets are made out of wood, in fact, the alternative is pretty common as well. The most popular alternatives include plywood and chipboard which can be used to make pallets containers, or even plastic ones! But try to avoid plastic, largely because it’s not worth your time or money.

Some of the most durable wooden pallets are made of oak, a valuable but tough wood that is also resistant to mold, and many other things which can destroy even the strongest pallets.

They’re Extremely Durable

Aside from the usual wear and tear, wooden pallets tend to last in excess of 20 years. When it comes time for replacement, often a new life can be found for the old one with second-hand goods stores, scrap metal companies, or even as kindling! You can even get them custom-made for special projects, as long as you’re willing to pay.

It doesn’t matter if they’ve been exposed to extreme conditions such as desert heat or ocean moisture, wooden pallets are very likely to make it through all of this in one piece. In fact, many shipping companies require that their cargo arrives in wooden pallets. Since they’re recyclable, that makes them highly safe for the environment.

Pallets Are Versatile

Well, they make great bases for picnic tables but did you know that wooden pallets are used for a lot more than carrying goods? Wooden pallets are recyclable which makes them highly versatile. In fact, you can find them in homes, cars, boats, and even art galleries. Pallets are used for many purposes! It all depends on how you use them.

You can even find wooden pallets in the funniest places, like sandboxes and playgrounds, where they make great toys because of their flexibility! They’re usually strong enough to support your children’s weight but flexible enough for your children to play with too.

Bang For Your Buck

A wooden pallet only costs around $8 which makes it one of the cheapest ways to transport goods. And that makes them really easy on your wallet.

It doesn’t matter how many goods you have to move; wooden pallets are the most cost-effective way to transport them without sacrificing safety. Sometimes, it’s even cheaper than cardboard boxes!


It’s easy to see why wooden pallets are so popular. Because they’re both strong and cheap, these simple but highly versatile pieces of wood make a great choice for almost any business with goods to move.

If you’re searching for resilient and enduring wooden pallet manufacturers in East Tennessee, you’ve come to the right place. We have accumulated 40 years of successful experience and customer satisfaction, and we provide you with top-notch services and wood products. Unaka Forest Products has an exceptional product range that caters to your unique requirements and preferences, whether wooden pallets, precut lumber, biofuel chips, or landscape mulch. We also sell organic wooden mulch, precut lumber, and biofuel. Contact us today for the best quality wooden pallets.

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digitalengagehelp August 4, 2021 0 Comments